Youth Conference 2017

A few weekends ago I went to Youth Conference with my ward. We were able to go up to Temple Square and go to some of the museums and activities up there.  If you haven't been up to Temple Square you should definitely go with your family. There's such an amazing spirit there and fun activities to do. (And there are beautiful lights during Christmas time). I was really excited to go up cause I haven't been there in a long time and I was looking forward to bonding with the youth in my ward.

After we got up there we went to This is the Place, Heritage Park. The workers were dressed in Pioneer outfits and taught us some pioneer dances (which made m miss Nauvoo). We had dinner and then a huge dance party before going to the hotel. 

On Saturday morning we visited Temple Square to see some of the museums and sites there. We even saw a couple wedding parties which made me really happy! :) We went to the tabernacle as well as the conference center. My favorite place we saw was the Family History Museum. They recently redid the place and it looks amazing! It is very interactive and I learned a lot more about my family and myself from the activities at the museum. This would be a fun activity for families because there's something for everyone to do.

I had a blast at youth conference and enjoyed strengthening my testimony and getting closer to those in my ward. I'm grateful that I was able to go up to Temple Square.

Always have hope,


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