Miss Amazing Pageant

Last Saturday I participated in the Miss Amazing pageant. this is a pageant that celebrates girls and women with disabilities. I was in the pageant in 2014 and really enjoyed it so I wanted to do it again! The whole day is full of fun activities such as a dance party, games, interviews, hair and makeup, a talent show, and then the final show!

At the beginning of the day, they assign you a "buddy" to hang out with all day. My buddy was the best!!! She was so kind and made me feel so loved and made the day so much more fun! I'm so grateful I made a new friend!

The interview part was a little scary for me. They had a few pageant queens as well as some influential women in the community there to interview us. They asked us questions about how we are involved in our communities and at school, and the things we are doing to make a difference. I was able to talk about some of the things I have been involved in such as clubs at school ball girl at UVU, and blogging! Even though being interviewed made me a little nervous, it was a good experience and I know it will help me in the future.

The talent show was optional and I didn't think I was going to do it, but at the last minute, I decided to share my watercolor painting. I talked about why I painted it and what it meant to me. This was also a good experience for me because I get really nervous talking in front of people.

The final show was so much fun! All the girls dressed up in fancy dresses and got our hair and makeup done and it was exciting to get all dolled up. Each contestant was escorted onto the stage while an announcer talked about each one. I was lucky enough to have 2 escorts, both of my younger brothers! It was awesome having them there to share this special moment with me!

I was honored to be crowned as the 2018 teen queen! This means that I get to go to Chicago in August along with the other queens from the rest of the divisions! I'm so excited to have the opportunity to represent Utah at Nationals and be able to make new friends. I will also be doing service and other activ
ities throughout the year. I will keep you updated on what I'm doing!

I'm so grateful I was able to participate in the Miss Amazing Pageant this year. I made so many new friends and learned a lot about myself. I hope to be able to do this again in the future!

Conference Quote:

Always have hope,


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  1. Colby, This post of yours is my absolute favorite and I'm so proud of you!!! Do you know if they have a division for girls like me who are over twenty years old?? It sounds like such a fun experience and I can't wait to see what you are going to accomplish down the road. You are truly an inspiration to me and so thrilled for you to be making such an extraordinary difference in the lives of so many people. Thank you so much for being my friend girly and hope to see your cute smiling face on Sunday at your ward's conference!!!

    1. Thank you so much Courtney! Yes they have the miss division, as well and jr. and sr, miss! I think you should do it you would love it! Thanks for your kindness girl! :)

    2. Awwww, Colby!!! You are so welcome and I would totally love to do something like this next year if it would be possible for me to!! It sounds like so much fun and I'm sure you learned a lot about what an outstanding young lady you are. Oh, I'll definitely think about it and talk with my mom about it, to see if that would be something I'd be interested in. You are so welcome again and I'm so grateful for your kindness to me too!!! Cannot wait to see you at your ward's conference this weekend!!!
