Movie Review: 1000 to 1

I'm sorry I didn't blog on Monday. I have been sick the past couple of days and I couldn't find time to write. As I was thinking about what I was going to write about, I kept thinking of a movie I recently saw, so I need to do another movie review because I just saw my new favorite movie!

I really like watching inspirational sports movies because they are really fascinitating. Some of my favorites are Remember the Titans, Forever Strong, and Hoosiers. As I was flipping through channels the other day, I found this movie called 1000 to 1. I became so inspired!

1000 to 1 is a true story about a star high school basketball player named Cory who has a stroke his freshman year of college. It is all about his recovery process and what he learns from the things that he went through.

There are so many things that I liked about this movie. Cory has a tremendous amount of strength and dedication as he works to recover. I was amazed at how willing he was to do things he needed to be back where he wanted to be.

Another thing that I loved about this movie was the support that he received from his family and friends. His best friend was right there with him the whole time, helping him in any way he could. His family never gave up on him and knew he could do whatever he set his mind to.

I highly recommend this movie! It is a great one for families or individuala. I have already watched it twice! You will be so inspired to do anything after you see this movie. Oh, and it is definitely a tear jerker!!

Always have hope,


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  1. Hoosiers is indeed a classic! Love those same movies. I want to watch 1000 to 1. Any chance I can have a movie date and watch it with you?
