#Lighttheworld 2018

A few weeks ago the LDS Church launched their Light the World campaign to give service throughout the month of December. They´ve done this for the past couple of years and it involves many people during the Christmas season. I love this campaign because sometimes during this time of year we can get up in receiving gifts and thinking about ourselves, but Christmas is really a time to serve and think about others.

My mom has really embraced the #lighttheworld campaign and has a poster in our house for each of the days of service and reminds us to give service to others. She has always been an amazing example to me of putting others before herself and I hope to be like her someday.

I'm going to #lighttheworld this month and I hope you can too! The Light the World link I shared has many ideas of what we can do to spread Christmas joy this season. I'd also like to hear what you or your family do to Light the World so please share in the comments! I know that giving service will make our holiday season that much brighter!

Always have hope,


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