Movie Review: Facing the Giants

I watched an amazing movie the other day that everyone needs to see because it will change your perspective on life. It is called Facing the Giants and it's about the life of a football coach and how he changes so many lives by teaching them to trust God. 

One of my favorite Bible stories is often mentioned in this movie; the story of David and Goliath. It is such an inspiring story for me because I love how much faith David has in the Lord. He knows that he normally wouldn't have a very good chance against Goliath, but with the Lord on his side, he was able to work a miracle. 

It is a similar story with this football team and their lives. The amazing little miracles that take place just because they changed their attitude and focus. One of my favorite quotes from this movie is "If we win, we will praise Him- if we lose we will praise Him." That really stood out to me because I know that I need to do better at thanking and praising Him in all things.

This movie really inspired me in so many ways and helped me realize some changes I can make in my life to rely on the Lord and become a better person. I would invite you to watch it and then (or if you've already seen it) comment below and tell me what you think. 

Always have hope,


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  1. I LOVE this movie! The player Brock reminds me of Brock and hunter Sivley!

    1. ME TOO!! Now that I think about it, he does remind me of them!!
