First Week of Cheer

This week was my first week having cheer practice from 7:00 to 10:00 every morning. At first I thought it would be hard to get up that early, especially during the summer, but it's actually not that bad because I'm super excited to go. 

The first day we got to know each other a little bit by playing some games. Since there are 35 girls on the team so it's good to get to know everyone so that we can be a better team during the year. 

Another fun thing we got to do was try on our uniforms. We got to try on everything, sweats, T-shirts, and finally the uniforms. It was really fun to try on everything, but yet kind of crazy because all of the girls were running around. It made me even more excited to do cheer seeing all of the fun stuff we're going to get to wear. 

The next day we really got in the grind. We did a few stretches to warm up, and then we had to do a lap around the track. Now I am not a runner, despite all of the times I have tried to be, so it was kind of a struggle to run. At first I was up towards the front with my friends, but then I kind of fell back. I ran with the coach and we worked on keeping a steady pace. So hopefully by the end of all of our summer practices, I will be able to run better. 

We also started stunting which was really fun. I've never witnessed stunts and been able to be a part of them. It was really cool to see the JV flyers go up in a stunt for the first time. They were really nervous, but they were able to tough it out and do a great job. My coaches were really impressed that we were stunting that well for the first time. 

We also learned a dance the other day. It was kind of hard to learn even though it was so short just because of the speed of it. But after a lot of practice and work with the other girls on the team, I was able to get it down and it looks a lot better now. 

Today was just kind of a relaxing day because we all came to practice really sore. We learned another dance that we spent a lot of time on. I felt that this dance was easier for me to learn, not because it was easier, but because I had already learned one dance and gotten used to it. 

I really enjoyed doing cheer this week even though it was hard at first, I think I've gotten better. One  thing I've learned this week is that when something is hard and you don't like to do it, you just have to keep pushing through and get better. There was a lot of stuff this week that was really hard for me, but because I kept pushing through, it got easier, and it will get even easier in the future. You just have to keep pushing through. 

Always have hope,

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