I had a very interesting and somewhat stressful experience yesterday. I take ASL, and for our project we had to do a "deaf day". On this day we went all day, (from the time we woke up to the time we went to bed) without talking. We also had to wear ear plugs to make it harder to hear.
This was a more fun than stressful experience for me because I was excited to find ways I could communicate with those around me. I brought a whiteboard to school so that I could talk to people more effectively. But the majority of my friends know ASL so I could sign to them.
At home it was a little more difficult. I would try to sign basic signs to my parents to help them understand me. I also resulted into typing things on my phone for a faster result. I'm very grateful I only had to do this one day!
One thing that I learned from this is to not take advantage of our blessings and opportunities. We all are blessed in many ways and I think that we sometimes forget that, even though we may have hard times, it's important to be grateful for what we do have.
Always have hope,