My Bucket List

I decide I recently that it would be fun to create a Bucket List. Before then I didn't have any big things that I really wanted to do or accomplish in my life, but then as I really started thinking about it, I discovered there's a lot I want to do. So I'm going to share part of my bucket list (it's really long, and growing!)

My Bucket List
Go to East High
Dance on the rooftop garden
Go to a professional basketball game
Pull an all nighter
Have a movie marathon
Get a surprise party
Go on a cruise
Cougarette Concert
Camp out
Bake in the middle of the night
Swim with dolphins
Watch the ball drop in time square
Sleep in the back of a truck
Private jet
Visit a waterfall and jump
Go to Hollywood
Visit Four Corners
Have a pillow fight
Play hide and seek in IKEA
Go to the Olympics
Ride in a limousine

Always have hope,


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