My family and I had a Family Home Evening lesson a couple of months ago about loving and treating yourself kindly. We discussed why itś important to love ourselves and how we can better love and treat ourselves well. We also read some scriptures with council and docrine regarding love towards yourself and others. I really thought that this was a good topic for us to discuss as a family because of the way the world is viewing things these days.
After we had this discussion, it made me think of a talk I gave in my ward earlier this year. I was assigned to choose one of the Young Women values, and I chose Divine Nature. I thought I would include this talk today just to give you some more thoughts on how I feel about divine nature and self worth.
In the Young Women theme that we repeat every Sunday, we learn that we are all [children] of God and that we have a divine identity. Memorizing and repeating this theme has helped me to realize that we have have a divine nature and we need to come to realize it.
In a talk called More than Conquerers through Him that Loved Us; by Elder Paul Johnson, it says "But these trials are not just to test us. They are vitally important to the process of putting on the divine nature. If we handle these afflictions properly, they will be consecrated for our gain."
This quote appealed to me because of the trials that I have had in my life. But one thing that I have realized through my trials, is that everything that happens, Heavenly Father knows about and he has a plan for us and knows that what we go through is for our good.
I've come to understand through my trials, some divine qualities that I have. I've learned that I have the ability to stay strong and find the good in the the things that I'm going through. I've learned a lot about myself through my trials. I've learned that I'm stronger than I think I am and that through the help Heavenly Father gives me, I can get through anything!
An important setting that I think we can learn our divine nature is in our homes. When we are there, we are with the people that we love the most and the people who love us the most and can help us reach our divine potential. According to the Family Proclamation which states, "ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny." When we remember that our family members have a "divine nature and destiny", then we can and will be kinder and more respectful in our homes in trying to help them recognize their divine nature.
Divine nature also has a lot to do with individual worth. I had an experience a couple of months ago that helped me realize one way that we all use our individual worth and divine nature. My mom and I went to a conference where Sheri Dew was speaking. She said something that stuck with me. "Everyone here will have a direct influence on 1,000 people or more!" That was really amazing to me because I never realized how many people I actually had an influence on.
Another important aspect of divine nature is being able to recognize our own. I began to start to recognize my divine nature when I received my Patriarchal Blessing. Patriarchal Blessings are supposed to help us recognize our divine nature because it's Heavenly Father giving us revelation about our lives. As I have read over my Patriarchal Blessing in the past months, I have been able to recognize the promises and warnings, as well as things that can help me to better understand my divine nature.
Also this weekend the LDS church is having what we call General Conference. It is where prophets and apostles speak to us about our day and the things we can do to better our lives. It is really an amazing experience! If you would like to tune in, you may do so at .
Always have hope,