Live and Learn

Friday marked the end of the 2nd term in school. It has been an awesome term and I have learned a lot. And this is the end of two classes that I was taking just for a semester. I feel like I learned the most from these two classes and grown a lot.

Seminary is one of these classes. Although this is a full year class, we switch teachers at the semester and so I get a new class too! This year we are studying the Old Testament and I have learned a lot from it so far. This book is amazing and I've learned a lot more so far than I ever thought I would. 

A lot of the stories in the Old Testament I had either never heard of, or didn't know all the details of them, so it was fun to learn about that. I also enjoyed reading the books on my own so that I could learn more and get new insight. I'm looking forward to a new semester with a new teacher and classmates. 

The other class that I really enjoyed this semester was Guided Studies. I took this class because my mom and I decided it would help me in the future. It was basically a "do your homework" class with occasional assignments and presenters. 

The teachers' big thing was to help us become "Master Students". A lot of the activities and assignments we did were focused on that. We learned a lot of effective study skills and ways to become a better student.

One of my favorite things about the class was the presenters that came to talk to talk to us about different careers. I learned lots of important information and advice on careers and schooling. I learned a lot and got a better idea of what I might want to do when I grow up. 

Even though I'm going to miss these two classes especially, I am looking forward to starting a new semester and seeing what is in store for me. I'm sure I will learn a lot more and increase my skills as a student and a person. 

Always have hope,


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