Press Forward

Each year, we have a different LDS Mutual theme. It is a scripture that we focus on the rest of the year. This year it is 2 Nephi 31:20. 

In young women's yesterday, we had a whole conversation about this scripture. My young women leader shared the story of Sailor who's 7 years old, and her family was killed in a plane crash. She "pressed forward" through many difficult places until she found help. 

We found lots of ways it related to Sailor, but then we found ways to relate to our lives. I think this scripture relates very well to our journey through life. We go through many hard times and we have to press forward through those. 

My leader and I had this conversation about "Having a perfect brightness of hope." Unlike Sailor and her situation where she didn't have much hope, we can have hope in our lives for a better future and to make changes. That's what the new year is all about!

I'm very grateful I have the opportunity to study this scripture this year and to "press forward". I know it will make a difference in my life. I would also encourage you, as you begin this new year to think about this scripture and how it can influence your life. 

The church put out this awesome video that I think really embodies the idea of this theme. Here is the link. Please watch and share!

Always have hope,


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