
I'm a Willagirl!

My mom told me the other day about this company called Willa. Willa is a company that sells skin care products for young skin. They are not tested on animals and don't have a lot of the toxins other products have. 

But the cool thing about Willa is that when girls turn 13, you are able to be a consultant for them. With the help of your mom, you can sell products and host parties so that you can make some money! 

I'm really excited for this opportunity to work as a consultant for Willa. Through this I will have an opportunity to learn business skills and be able to earn some money. Another cool thing is that they offer a college savings plan. I also get to spend some time with my mom! 

If you would like to learn more about Willa, you can visit my own Willa website here. You can also visit my business Facebook page Willa with Colby. I would love to have more consultants and help with what I'm doing. I will post and tell you about it every time I host a party or do an activity. I think I will also make a page that talks a bit more about Willa and what it is. But feel free to email me or comment if you have any questions or interest in Willa. Thank you!

Always have hope,


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